Every day, news and opinions about the 2024 National Election flood the media and inundate our schools, workplaces and neighborhoods. As parents, educators, and community members how do we help our students/young adults make sense of it all?
LWV Seattle-King County is partnering with civics teacher Alexandra Baker (Northshore SD) to present a free Zoom training for teachers/community members. We offer - free to you - Civics & You, a program that informs students/community members about elections, government and the power of the vote. And also informs on communications and leadership.
With Civics & You, students/community members examine their values and evaluate leadership qualities that are relevant and important for making informed choices when they are eligible to vote.
YOU ARE INVITED to a free Zoom training session for Civics & You
presented by teacher Alexandra Baker* and the League of Women Voters Seattle King County (LWVSKC) on:
Wednesday, OCTOBER 16, 2024 from 4:30 to 6 PM
Alexandra and the LWVSKC will introduce you to:
1- Civics and You teaching modules on voting, making voting choices, leadership, and more: (LWVSKC link here to modules)
2- Partnering opportunities with LWVSKC for student-led forums and practice voting.
Civics teacher and presenter Alexandra Baker* has partnered with the LWVSKC to make civics come alive for her students. She reports,
"I've taught Civics for almost 10 years and the Civics & You lesson modules from the League of Women Voters are the most exciting instruction I have come across. The modules are ready to use, interactive, and they inspired greater participation in the Candidate Forum and Mock Election in my 12th grade classroom.”
Register here for this valuable and timely training.
We hope to see you there!
Questions? Contact Sarah Beth Miller unitliaison@lwvskc.org, (206)799-2061
*To learn more about Alexandra's experience with these resources, read this article:
Because of You! Spring 2024 report