Events - Month View
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This is a zoom only meeting and not tied to a specific part of King County. All League members are welcome to attend and connect with other members, learn more about League and what‘s happening.
Contact the unit leader for details.
The Econ & Tax Committee follows issues related to economics, finance and taxation.
Marilee Fuller
Kim Albert
Contact Committee chair Joanna Cullen,, for more details and zoom link.
All League members and guests are welcome.
Please contact Unit Lead Connie Foster for more information.
Welcome North King County LWV Unit members (and nonmembers) to our unit meeting! PLEASE PLAN TO WEAR A MASK and it would be wonderful if you are vaccinated and boosted. Contact the unit facilitator, Phillippa Kassover, if you have any questions.
Please contact Unit Leader Cathy Dormaier for more information.
You are welcome to observe LWVSKC board meetings to learn more about the work of the LWVSKC and Board. If you have something you would like to bring to the Board to discuss, you can send a request to Co-President, Barb Tengtio, at two weeks ahead of the meeting and we will add you to the agenda.
Please contact Unit facilitator Madeline Betz for details including rules for entry into Horizon House.
Please contact Unit Co-Leader Keela Williams ( for more information.
Meeting will focus on assuring that all prospective voters have updated registrations, are comfortable with the all-mail voting process, and know how to access the information that they want about candidates and ballot measures.
Questions? Contact unit facilitators Meg Van Wyk,, or Vicci Rudin
This is a zoom only meeting and not tied to a specific part of King County. All League members are welcome to attend and connect with other members, learn more about League and what‘s happening.
Contact the unit leader for details.
League members on the Eastside are starting up Units. Why not join in, meet your Eastside neighbors in person, and get active!
Crossroads Shopping Center (in the food court)
League members on the Eastside are starting up Units. Why not join in, meet your Eastside neighbors in person, and get active!
The LWVSKC Youth Committee‘s mission is to grow youth civic engagement and empowerment.
Contact Barbara Tengtio, for more info.